Friday, December 19, 2008

Holiday Lunch

Just got back from a Holiday Lunch at the Olive Garden. It was hosted by our 'big' manager aka the Jefe named Dean. He's a really nice manager. So calm, easy to talk to and just a regular joe. I've had some managers who have been unapproachable, so having him as a manager is nice even though I rarely have to work with him directly. I also got to see my other 2 managers and I haven't seen them in person for a while so it was nice to see them and talk about other things besides work. I also got to talk to another manager of another group and she and I both had 12 year old daughters in common so we were talking about shopping for them. It was good to make that contact. Never know with this economy if I might be looking for a job in the near future. I was telling her how the Hollister store always smelled like a broken bottle of perfume and she told me that they had heard Aeropostale clothing was sprayed with perfume every morning before the store opened so they got there early one morning and sure enough, the clerks were walking around the store spraying everything. I was really shocked to hear that one. I am pretty much done with my holiday shopping. I still have one more person to get for and that's my brother in law. I hate always giving him gift cards, but then again, I myself LOVE getting gift cards. So if I can't find anything great for him (he probably has everything anyway) then I'll get him a gift card again.

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